Anna McCormick, PNP, PMHS

Anna McCormick has worked with children in a variety of settings - as a bedside nurse at Duke Children’s, a CAP/C nurse case manager, a sailing nurse counselor (ask her about this one!) and a nurse practitioner in specialty care at WakeMed Children’s since 2016. She has a specific interest in the overlap between psychiatric illness and disorders of gut brain interaction from her work in both pediatric psychiatry and pediatric gastroenterology at WakeMed. 

She has a deep love in caring for adolescents transitioning to young adulthood and walking alongside them during this exciting and challenging time. Witnessing an adolescent transition to college successfully and confidently brings so much joy to her little clinician heart.

She is acutely aware of the daily impacts of race/racism on a child’s mental health and its role in over diagnosis of psychiatric illness in children and young adults. She considers these effects in treatment planning with children and families.

Anna earned both her BSN and MSN from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (GO HEELS). She completed a year-long LEND (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disorders) fellowship where she initially met Dr. Politte in 2015.

She treats a variety of different psychiatric conditions, with a special interest in anxiety disorders, ADHD, ARFID/selective eating, encopresis (stool accidents) and comorbid disorders of gut brain interaction (ie, chronic abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation). If your child has had a complete GI evaluation (such as blood tests, stool tests, or an endoscopy/colonoscopy) but still experiences ongoing GI symptoms, even if they don’t have a diagnosed psychiatric condition, Anna may be a great option to help with their care.